
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Do you know Yusor Abu-Salha?

Take a few moments out of your day to listen to this heartbreaking interview Yusor Abu-Salha did with her teacher for Story Corps. Yusor, if you don't know, was recently murdered in North Carolina. 

A man "upset about parking" stormed into her apartment and murdered Yusor along with her husband, Deah Shaddy Barakat, and her sister Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha. 

There are so many senseless murders. Every day, more happen, and we lose more voices as the death toll adds up. Take a moment to learn what the world lost here and here

From the Story Corps interview:

Read more here:

"I would like people to know and remember her as a practicing Muslim, as a daughter, and above all, as a good human being. When we write our comments on report cards we say they exceeded our expectations. She exceeded our expectations."

Friday, February 20, 2015

Gay and Lesbian Senior Citizens Share Some Advice

Just the other day I was talking to my mother about how damaging it is that gay men lost nearly a whole generation of men who would have been the elders of my community now.

...and now I come across this video. Take a listen to the touching advice shared by a group of gay and lesbian senior citizens.