
Friday, September 2, 2011

It Gets Better: Scott Brown's Response

So as many of my more regular readers know, I've been patiently waiting for a response from Senator Scott Brown to a letter that I sent him. Every other elected member of congress from Massachusetts participated in making a video to support gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender teens. Find my letter here.

And watch the video:

And here is Senator Brown's response. I will be reflecting on it over the next several days. Expect a response from your favorite irreverent psychologist at some point over the coming holiday weekend.

Dear Jason,

Thank you for contacting me about the "It Gets Better" Project. As always, I value your input on all issues and appreciate hearing from you.

Like you, I believe in the right of ever citizen to live in a manner he or she choose and that all people have a right to be treated with dignity and respect. As Americans, we are all entitled to basic civil rights, protection from violence and the freedom to pursue happiness. As a father of two daughters, I am deeply saddened by the stories I hear about young men and women who are harassed or bullied by their peers for any reason. To that end, I believe that schools must provide a safe environment for all students and teachers so our children have the best possible opportunities to succeed. That's why during my time as a Massachusetts State Senator, I took a leadership role in efforts to prevent bullying and discrimination, including legislation intended to stop harassment and bullying in cyberspace.

Though i was unable to participate in a recent video for the "It Gets Better" Project, I remain fully committed to preventing bullying and discrimination and will work with my Senate colleagues to ensure that every child is provided a safe an health learning environment in Massachusetts and the nation.

Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. if you have any additional questions or comments, please feel free to contact me or visit my website at

     Scott P. Brown
     United States Senator

1 comment:

  1. First, Kudos to Sen Brown for responding.

    Second, he writes: "Though i was unable to participate in a recent video for the "It Gets Better" Project, I remain fully committed to.."

    Every member of the MA delegation to the US House and Senate was 'able' to participate; that's ten congressmen and one senator. It seems implausible that Scott Brown alone could not make time to do this, unless It Gets Better was inflexible about the timing. Perhaps they'd be willing to recount how that went.

    Third, this reason - unable - is not consistent with the reasons Scott Brown's office office gave for not participating when the topic was in the news.

    Among other things, his office said Scott Brown was right to decline the offer because of words spoken by Dan Savage about a Scott Brown action figure. The gulf between is "able to" and "choose not to" is wide, and the contradiction revels Sen Brown is dissembling.

    This answer says all the right things about Scott Brown's concern for at risk teens but his actions speak the loudest of all: He did not participate and eleven other busy Massachusetts Congress(wo)man and Senator did.

