
Thursday, April 5, 2012

To My Unborn Child

To read  more about the inspiration behind this clip, click here


  1. *crying* This is so sad and painful. Unfortunately, it's a perfect and graphic illustration of what parents do.

    I can't imagine what it must be like for people who are homosexual who have experienced rejection from their parents. I know, for some, there is a level of intolerance regarding homosexuality that reaches no bounds.

    What struck me so harshly about this video was the universality of it. Parents become pregnant or adopt and somehow assume they have the right to expect their child to be a certain way. It goes beyond hoping the child is attractive, athletic, smart, straight. Too many parents expect it. Why can't parents just appreciate, respect and celebrate the individuality of their child?

  2. Well, I didn't see that one coming! It's not at all what I was expecting from the title or when I first starting watching the clip. When they started their vitrolic diatribe I was in shock & rendered speechless. Their comments were reprehensible & I found it incomprehensible & absolutely unfathomable that anyone could possibly spew such hate toward a future child. I found the remarks recondite, i.e. difficult or impossible for one of ordinary understanding or knowledge to comprehend. (I had to consult a thesarus to come up with that one since ordinary words failed me!) MUCH work is needed to overcome that kind of ignorance so thank you, Jason, for shining a light on this dark, odious topic.

  3. @lunacyreleased -- Terribly sad, isn't it? At the same time, I also found this to be a particularly fantastic way to draw attention to some of the more difficult elements on the web. It also in an ingenuous way to expose the moral hollowness of the anti-gay movement.

  4. @Anonymous. Odious is one of my favorite words. Now that I know recondite, it just very well might be a new favorite word.

  5. Odius is one of your sister's favorite words too. We both learned a new word today in recondite. I had never heard that word before but I came across it looking for synonyms for incomprehensible & unfathomable.
