
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Views from Nemo


  1. Nice photos, Jason. I guess, if you'll forgive me, New England had no trouble finding Nemo!

    1. Indeed, Roia. One didn't even need to move off the couch to find Nemo...though it helped in order to enjoy the full effect. :-)

    2. :-) I hope you also stayed in your pjs!

    3. There was a significant amount of shoveling -- but we staying all warm and comfy in the house during the storm! How about you? Were you in the path of the weather?

    4. We got snow, but it wasn't all that impressive. Only about 8 to 10 inches (I'm a lousy judge of these things). I even managed to get to work after unearthing my car. I also enjoyed the time lapse video, by the way. The music worked perfectly with it!

    5. I'm very thankful that there was a covered garage that was in walking distance to my (driveway-less) house. There was much shoveling to be done, but none of it was for my car.

      Thanks for the comments. I think I'm going to experiment with the time-lapse again when it's a little closer to spring. Hopefully I can manage to get it to be in color...

  2. Jason, I just stumbled across your name in a comment on a blog, and your name and face are familiar to me... Medical/health stuff threw more at my brain than it could gracefully withstand in 2010, and I have huge memory gaps. When were you at Antioch? I was there 2001-2005.

    1. Jog my memory a bit more and I'm sure I'll remember you. I started at Antioch in the autumn of 1999 and left on internship in 2003.

  3. I was a TA for both assessment classes - Gargi & Jim Graves - and worked at the PSC 2002-03. Tewksbury State Hospital 2003-04, PSC again 2004-05... but no internship for me, first by choice (I withdrew just before Match Day 2005 for family reasons) then by shafted-by-the-system-ness in 2006. Ah well. I'm living in Salem, MA now, working as a crisis clinician. I may go back for the degree someday but frankly the fact that I was able to get off the couch and go back to work at all last year is enough for now...

    1. I should remember you but don't. I had Jim for assessment in 1999-2000. Gargi was not yet faculty. And yeah, the system can be terrible when it starts chewing -- glad you are off the couch and working!

      I'm by the way obsessed with the old creepy aspects of Tewksbury:
